Tuesday 1 January 2019

#OneWord 2019

It's been a quiet and reflective start to 2019. I just finished watching the Winter Classic (the annual outdoor NHL hockey game that always airs January 1st.) This year, the Boston Bruins defeated the Chicago Blackhawks at Notre Dame Stadium. I did my Spanish lesson and cruised Twitter for a bit. It seems that another tradition, the #OneWord challenge, is also trending.

Last year, I wrote the following post and reflected on my goals for 2018. I chose the word CULTIVATE and I set four goals for myself.

  1. I planned to cultivate a healthier lifestyle and I was somewhat successful. I eliminated all refined sugars (even things that convert easily to sugar - bread, rice, pasta, etc.) for the entire month of January and I easily dropped 20 lbs. I've kept most of it off, but I did notice that my "cheat day" became "cheat days" and this stopped the weight loss. I tried the "100 push-ups a day for 30 days" challenge four times. I failed in each month from September to December - but certainly got stronger. I am starting again today - as my toe injury (which took me out for two weeks) has finally healed.
  2.  I wanted to cultivate my creative spirit. Again, I was somewhat successful. The middle-school novel I was writing sputtered, but I did complete a good number of blog posts and began working with a group of musicians on a Jukebox Musical about the life of Tom Petty. That might see some action next summer - it all depends on the rights to the music.
  3. I wanted to cultivate my learning. I persisted with my Spanish on a daily basis - I'm at over 200 straight days on my current streak. I can now read at about a Grade 4 level, but I still struggle with hearing and responding. A trip to Spain in the summer for my wife's 50th birthday should help fix this. I played my guitar sporadically and, sadly, the saxophone never left the case.
  4. I wanted to cultivate my capacity for giving to the community. I am fortunate that I have a job that allows me to mentor children & collaborate with educators. I'd like to continue to try to do more. 
Overall, 2018 was a fine year. I'm healthy (generally), I am in a wonderful marriage, I have cats that dote on me, I have a job I love, I got to go to New York City on a surprise vacation, my family members are alive and are doing well and I have so many great friends. I guess I am more this Bitmoji Image

than this.bye 2018

So, what's the plan for 2019 and what's my #Oneword going to be? 

I'll go with PERSIST.

  • I am going to persist with the same goals I set for myself last year...maybe even get to that 30 day mark with my Push Ups and, who knows, perhaps pull my saxophone from its case.
  • I am going to go refined sugar free until Superbowl and persist with good eating habits beyond that date.
  • I am going to persist in my role as instructional coach and see if I can get more opportunities to collaborate with teachers who have not yet invited me in to their practice.
  • I am going to persist with my writing. I am going to try to create and share something at least once a week.
Here's to a fantastic 2019 and a strong end to an interesting decade. 
Hope your year is wonderful!

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