Saturday 2 February 2019

A Project Based Learning Journey - Part 2

This is Part Two in a series about my latest Project Based Learning Journey. Part One can be found here.

As I mentioned in my first post, the approach to a PBL needs to take on a Triangular Shape. 

  • Many choices (questions) with a single (or few) final product choices.
  • One (or few) choices with multiple options for presentation.

At the time of this writing, I am working with a Grade 3/4 teacher to develop a PBL approach to the Light & Sound section in the Grade 4 Ontario Science Curriculum. We have decided to use triangle two (on the right). Multiple curriculum prompts with learning demonstrated through either a Tri-Fold Brochure or Infographic (possibly with a QR code to a Google Site.) 

Step 1: Start with the Curriculum

Go through the curriculum and pull out the specific expectations and example questions you want the students to explore. I have organized them into this table.

Step 2: Decide on the Culminating Task

  • Explore a Multi-Media Tech Set to learn about the elements of Light and Sound that are identified in the curriculum.
  • Identify a question they would like to answer or an area they would like to explore.
    • At this age, we need to help support them finding "open" questions or provide meaningful question prompts.
  • Research their question and organize the information into either an Infographic or a Brochure
    • Both of these products will need to be "front-loaded" through literacy activities.
  • Optionally, students could include a QR code to a Google Site that contains the same information.

Step 3 - Solidify Evaluation Approach 

  • Feedback throughout the project is essential - especially for young children and those participating in a PBL for the first time.
  • Learning Skills need to be addressed regularly - student self-evaluation through Google Forms might be a good strategy. I have also provided time at the end of each work period for students to document their progress and share it with their parents (I used Student Story in Class Dojo)
  • The Final Project should be assessed using a No Mark Rubric co-created with students so that they fully understand the expectations. Perhaps...
    • Aesthetic Appearance - Communication of Understanding & Media
    • Organization of Information - Literacy, Research, Reading and Writing
    • Literacy Conventions - Editing & Using Google Tools
    • Overall Understanding - Can the student explain their understanding & knowledge?
Next - Building the Multi Media Tech Set

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