Thursday, 6 January 2022

OneWord 2022

For the seventh year, I am participating in the #OneWord challenge. However, I am most excited about what my students will do with the activities I have planned for them in another updated version of a lesson that has been a hit for six years. (See below).

For those unfamiliar, #OneWord is a social media movement in which individuals are encouraged to abandon the idea of New Year's Resolutions in favour of a single word -- One Word -- that centers of their character and helps them focus on a vision for the next 365 days. 

In the past, I have selected Revitalize, Mindfulness, Cultivate, Persist, Discomfort & Ameliorate. I have had mixed success with my focus on each. Some years, the word is front-of-mind and I reflect on it often. Other years, it fades and has little impact on my day-to-day. Last year's word Ameliorate is a good example. I think I overthought that selection.

This year, I have chosen the word APPRECIATE. This word reflects the challenges I've experienced lately. I am genuinely missing things that brought pleasure and purpose to my life. We are in the 4th wave of the Covid-19 pandemic – The Omicron Wave. I am, again, feeling a little isolated from friends and my classroom. As an extrovert, I am energized by social gatherings.

Additionally, I had a foot surgery that, although necessary and important, has taken away my mobility. Consequently, I am unable to exercise. I can accept that I have to wait six weeks to play hockey – arenas are shut down anyway – but, I can’t walk very far, do my daily push-ups or even commit to a good stretch. 

Snapped this just after I woke up from anaesthesia
I could continue to complain, but that is what I want to change. I want to appreciate the things that I have. 

  • I am safe and so are my loved ones. I am currently listening to music and can hear my wife in the other room feeding our cats--all of whom love me unconditionally.

  • I am still employed, despite the pandemic and the surgery.

  • I have an terrific class of creative, kind, smart learners and we are going to make the most of this situation.

  • I am healthy otherwise. Until my surgery, I was still a 56-year-old playing hockey and doing 28 push-ups a day.

  • I can use this time for other pursuits. I can play guitar, continue learning the piano and take up my Spanish course...again.

This is only scratching the surface. There is so much to appreciate about this world I was lucky to be born into and that I have worked hard to create. This year, I am going to recognize this more often.

Appreciate is my #OneWord2022.

Thank you, I also appreciate you reading my post.


I have curated a series of lesson for my students at this link (

Educators are welcome to copy it and edit for their own needs. By next week, each of my students will have their own #OneWord that they will share in a banner made in the program Canva (similar to the ones I have made above). They will also create a Shapegram Snow Globe and share their thinking. (see below).

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